We’re both “creatives” so we really get stuck into the theme of creation this week. What is creation? Making something out of nothing! Making something out of something! But isn’t trying to understand your existence through relating a narrative a kind of creation too? We unpack all this as we read chapters 33-36 of Fangirl.

Levi is sad about a test he bombed. Cath lies to Professor Piper about how her story is going. Nick is back to cause misery. Reagan continues to be amazing. There are difficult conversations, an argument and a love confession. It’s all coming together as we prepare to say goodbye to these great characters!

This episode was recorded on 4 September 2021.  

Show notes

Vaccines are great! Here is a good breakdown from the NHS about why vaccines are safe and important, and more from WHO about all the Covid-19 vaccines here.

The amazing Mr Rogers quote Jenn D shared:

Do you like to draw with crayons? I’m not very good at it. But it doesn’t matter. It’s the fun of doing it that’s important. Now, I would’t have made that if I just thought about it. No matter how anybody says it is. It feels good to have made something. The best thing is that each person’s would be different. In a way, you’ve already won in this world because you’re the only one who can be you. And that’s the way it’s supposed to be.

Here’s the Twitter thread about Nora Roberts’ glass ball theory:

Fight Club, the film and the book.

V for Vendetta, the film and the graphic novel.

American Psycho, the book (Jen V does not recommend this).

The Star Trek fandom invented fandom as we know it - this article unpacks its fandom and this one specifically looks at its fanfiction roots. 

The Eyrie in Game of Thrones.

Throne of Glass by Sarah J. Maas.

Gone Girl and the cool girl - you can read the monologue here.

For season 5, we’ll be reading The Raven Boys by Maggie Stiefvater – themes here – but first, we’ll be watching Baz Luhrmann’s Romeo+Juliet for our next one shot. We’re very excited!

Thanks for listening! Next week, we say goodbye to this wonderful novel as we read the last two chapters through the theme of fame.

Our intro and outro music is by the excellent Scott Buckley. Check him out here.

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