What is Gansey's search for Glendower if not a quest? It's the perfect theme for exploring these characters’ motivations, and how their individual quests form part of the bigger picture, as we read chapters 20-24 this week.

In this section, Adam invites Blue on an adventure. This involves a helicopter (piloted by Gansey’s older sister, Helen). Ronan and Gansey realise they’ve heard Blue’s voice before. In flight, they make a vital discovery and Gansey feels as if Blue is the final piece of the puzzle.

This episode was recorded on 30 October 2021.  

Show notes

This week we’re reading chapters 20-24 through the theme of questing. If you’d like to read along with us, you can find the full breakdown here.

Halloween spirits were high this week. Here’s Jen V’s office ghost–an attempt was made ok!

We’re tracking a lot of stuff for the long game–Ghost watch. Tree watch. Ronanimal watch. Dead Man Walking. Adam/Ronan watch. The crush that isn’t. Let us know if you think we missed something!

Friendly reminder that the patriarchy hurts men too! Here’s an article from the NY Times on the importance of touch.

Screenshot if a tiktok that reads "thinking about how men invented golf because they're too scared to ask each others to go on walks

Jen V mentions discovering an unkindness of ravens in The Sandman graphic novel (from volume 6).

A panel from Sandman Vol 6 showing three ravens and it reads "It's a mystery from which we derived the collective noun we use for these birds. Like a murder of crows, a tiding of magpies, an unkindness of ravens..."

Here’s an episode of the podcast You’re Dead To Me all about Owain Glyndŵr.

We go down a rabbit hole on folklore and magic and wanting things to be real. Read more about Arthurian legend. You can find out more about taniwha here. The line “Come away human child” is from the W.B. Yeats poem The Stolen Child.

Kindred Spirits by Rainbow Rowell.

“The gods envy us because we are mortal” is a quote from the 2004 film Troy.

Our intro and outro music is by the excellent Scott Buckley. Check him out here.

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Thanks for listening! Next week, we’re reading Chapters 25-29 through the theme of doubt.


