SEASON 10 EPISODE 6: Hospitality

This week, we’re reading chapters 28-32 of Blue Lily, Lily Blue through the theme of hospitality–a super interesting topic when you look at the development of the concept of hospitality!

In this section, it’s raining blood and there’s a comet and they’ve rescued an ancient madwoman who just happens to be Gwenllian, illegitimate daughter of Owen Glendower, but it’s fine, probably. They trundle her back to 300 Fox Way, where Persephone has been waiting for her. Malory tells Blue a little bit about Gansey before. Ronan and Adam go to church to dream up terrible evidence in order to implicate Colin Greenmantle in a series of disgusting crimes. Adam’s father turns up at his apartment and tries to intimidate him, then hurt him, but Cabeswater intervenes.

We’re well into our journey with The Raven Cycle - you can check out season 5 for The Raven Boys and season 8 for The Dream Thieves.

This episode was recorded on 17 May 2023.  

Show notes

This week we’re reading chapters 28-32. If you’d like to read along with us, you can find the full breakdown here. We’re also still actively recording this season so if you have thoughts or questions let us know, and we’ll answer them as we go!

Read all about the Glencoe Massacre here.

More here on the Black Books (TV show).

And more here on Midsomer Murders (TV show).

Our intro and outro music is by the excellent Scott Buckley. Check him out here.

Marginalia Pod is hosted on Podbean and available through the usual podcasting places.

As always, you can email us at at, check our website for more episodes or updates, or find us on Instagram at @marginaliapod.

Thanks for listening! Next week, we’re reading Chapters 33-37 through the theme of violence.


SEASON 10 EPISODE 7: Violence
